The Conference App is Live! | Our Monthly Newsletter

Vol. 103: April 2022 Within this newsletter you'll find:
One step closer | Conference app is live
Link to the conference lineup
Top 8 Benefits of Member Surveys
Community member survey
March webinar information
Additional learning opportunities | March webinar highlight reel
Conference sponsorship information
One Step Closer You're one step closer to getting the most out of your conference experience. The conference website has been updated with a real-time, dynamic conference agenda through the Sched App. Login, create your profile and customize your learning experience. *Please note, non-ticket-holding viewers may register/login to the Sched App information on the CHOLearning website. However, only individuals with Eventbrite tickets will be granted access to the hybrid conference programming. Follow the ticket menu link below or navigate here for more information on the ticketing process.
